Trademark Research Service.

Professional Trademark Research Service

Our Professional Trademark Research Service is a comprehensive search on up to 3 of your favorite names or one logo or tagline for Trademark Availability and Potential Conflicts.

Ordering a Trademark Report on your favorite name or names is a great way to help decrease the risk of legal issues in the future - because nothing disrupts growing a business like a slew of cease and desist letters!

Our trademark reports are carried out by Trademark Attorneys and include a detailed analysis of Trademark availability and potential as well as a simple safety score designed to be easily understood even if you didn't go to law school. Whether you're building an SaaS company, launching an online cosmetics brand, or starting up a florist that specializes in arrangements shaped like mythical creatures, you can help protect the future of your business with our Trademark Research Service.

Before you start, you can also run your list of potential names through our Free Trademark Tool. It searches multiple databases for exact and close-match names, so you can embark on Trademark Research with the knowledge one or more of your names is likely to be available.

How Much Does It Cost?

Our comprehensive Trademark search service costs $179 however for a limited time, we are offering a $50 discount on this service. The report is typically delivered in 1-3 business days.

If you'd like to run a report for 1 name, the cost would be $49. Please click here to complete the payment and send our team the name and country you'd like the report ran for along with a brief description of your business to [email protected]

You can simply purchase one of our Professional Trademark Research Services with one simple step. Simply click on the link below to get started. For a limited time, we are offering an EXTRA $50 discount for this service!

Purchase Trademark Service

What's next?

This is when the filing process begins. The same trademark attorney you worked with during the assessment process will prepare and file for your trademark, keep you up to date as the process progresses, and offer ongoing support once the trademark is officially yours. Start with our Free Trademark Tool to find names that are more likely to be available to the trademark, and you have a complete soup-to-nuts trademarking service for just $649 (before government fees).

Interested? I thought you might be!

Here's a little more about each step of the process:

Trademark Research Service

$129 $179 ($50 OFF)
  • Trademark Search.
  • Detailed analysis of Trademark availability and potential.
  • Safety score designed for easy understanding
  • The cost of our Trademark Filing package is $179
Buy Now

What's included?

A comprehensive search on up to 3 names that you might have shortlisted, carried out by a professional Trademark Attorney.

A report that includes a detailed analysis of potential conflicts, plus an overall Risk Score. You can learn more about How Trademark Reports are generated here.

Armed with all the info you need to make the safest decision available, you can then choose one of the three names or taglines to move forward with or, if you were researching a logo, move forward with that.


How long does the process take?

The preparation and filing of your application is typically fairly quick and is usually accomplished in just a few days. However, the entire process can take 6 to 9 months or longer.

Are there additional fees?

This package is for a standard single-class filing. Additional fees can arise (learn more here).

Can you help me file outside of the United States?

At this time, we can help you file a US Trademark with the USPTO. We recommend working with a qualified local provider for your trademark needs outside of the US.

Is this service only for Trademarking my name?

The following is based on the requirements of the USPTO, but other patent offices will probably follow a similar process.

The first step to registering a trademark is conducting a search. If you haven't done this yet, why not start with our free trademark tool? Once you've determined the name or other brand asset you want to trademark is available, it's time to fill out a trademark application and submit it. You can find the necessary form through the USPTO. This form will be inspected by a USPTO attorney after you submit it, so it's important to fill it in carefully! If there are no issues with your application it'll be published in the UPSTO's newspaper to allow time for opposition from third parties. If there's no opposition, you get a trademark certificate and your name or other asset is now under trademark protection.

If you choose to use our trademark services, you simply have to give us some information about what your business does, where you're located, and what you want to trademark, and we'll do the rest.

How long does the trademark registration process take?

If the trademark registration goes completely smoothly the process takes a few months. If there's any opposition to your trademark or any problems with your registration form it could take much longer, with negotiations sometimes taking well over a year. For a quick and painless trademarking process, it's best to employ professional help.

How often do I need to renew my trademark registration?

Trademarks registered with the USPTO persist as long as the trademarked item is in use. As the owner of a trademark, or representative of the business that owns a trademark, you must provide proof that it's in use every ten years. The renewal rules for trademarks registered only within one state only or countries other than the US vary.

Can I sell or transfer my trademark to someone else?

Yes, you can sell or transfer your trademark to someone else. Trademarks are considered intellectual property, and like other forms of property, they can be bought, sold, licensed, or transferred. Trademarks are often part of mergers or acquisitions, too.

Can I sell or transfer my trademark to someone else?

Yes, you can sell or transfer your trademark to someone else. Trademarks are considered intellectual property, and like other forms of property, they can be bought, sold, licensed, or transferred. Trademarks are often part of mergers or acquisitions, too.

What is trademark infringement?

Trademark infringement occurs when someone who is not the owner of a trademark uses the image or mark under trademark without permission. Infringement can also occur through counterfeiting, dilution (weakening the distinctiveness of a famous mark), and false advertising. To determine whether or not trademark infringement has occurred, your lawyer will consider the likelihood that confusion will be caused and determine how similar the trademarked and untrademarked marks are (so, how similar the names, images, or taglines are).

What is the difference between trademark and copyright?

Trademarks protect identifiers used to distinguish goods or services in commerce, while copyrights protect original works of authorship. Usually, copyright lasts 70 years, while trademark protection can last indefinitely with proper use and maintenance.